Wagner Ware Skillet Wooden Handle


I came across a wooden handle Wagner Ware skillet without the wood. It took me a minute to realize why there was just an iron rod where the handle should be. Someone probably burned the handle off. Sorry I didn't have my phone with me to take a photo. It was a bit pricey (about $15). I didn't know if you could ever replace the wood part. Should I have picked it up? I could still go back and get it.
Hi Tony....I don't have my books available at the moment but I assume the skillet is cast iron??? Since the handle is already gone I would heat up the skillet before trying to remove the stud from the skillet and then spray some WD-40 on it then see if it will unscrew.
New handles aren't so hard to replace if you have a wood lathe. If not then you will be faced with a lot of whittle time and some sanding for sure. Most wooden handled cooking devices had a spacer between the wood and the metal of the skillet usually made of Bake-Lite or the sorts to protect the wood from getting too hot. Also...Since the wood is missing, it may be the best time to clean and season the skillet before re-assembly of the handle.
Good luck with the repair should you decide to purchase the skillet. The $15 doesn't sound too out of place but with the handle missing you may try and talk down the price.
Thanks MD. It is CI and not warped or cracked. I was thinking I may be able to cannibalize an old WearEver aluminum pan or some other with a wooden handle about the same size. I may try to talk him down. It would be fun to have a skillet with a wood handle. I don't have one and have never seen one.