Salisbury Steak

Cheater....."can of beef gravy" ???? Gravy is the easy part of that recipe. Sound good Bonnie....Problem is that I would try and eat the whole 1 1/2 lbs. of meat. Cooking for one (me), isn't always that easy. I try and find something I can safely cut the recipe without ruining the taste or store in the frig and not worry so much about it spoiling.
Thanks for sharing....
Michael after seeing your pineapple upside down cake and Doug's French onion soup recipe I think you guys have me beat in the cooking department. I only occasionally have the patience to cook from scratch.

Hey, I just went back and looked at the cake post and noticed you used a box cake. :-)
Oop's....I'm bad....Actually I found it easier to use the box mix because I have both types of flour (reg. & self rising) and always forget how much baking powder etc. to add to reg. flour. But gravy.......????

I did another post to my original pineapple upside down cake late yesterday using Mark H recipe and I now blame him for any weight gained. I was telling a store clerk about the ingredients and she ask if I was a chef. Quiet funny in a way, but I had to say no and just left it at that. I don't drift too far off proven recipe's but sometimes it's fun to do.
I just went back and took another look at your cake. Are those canned pineapples on top? :chuckle:

O.K. I give....If I could grow pineapples I would be in Hawaii and not Texas. Say...Aren't those mushrooms you used from the store??? And how about that beef??? Was it home grown and processed? Let's face it...We all depend on the grocery stores for our ingredients needed for cooking. But gravy??????
Michael, if New Mexico was sitting between us I would reach over and pinch you. No more gravy shaming. :covri:

Come on now....You have to at least try to make gravy. Worst thing that could happen is the cat or dog won't eat it and when that happens it is a sign you need to do something different. I'll leave it at that and hope to see a post in the near future regarding "gravy" Good luck *&%$#@>>>>....????
I have been making homemade gravy for 35 years but I am not opposed to a quick substitute, especially after working 5 12 hour shifts in a row. I thought the dish tasted pretty good despite the lack of freshly made gravy.
I have been making homemade gravy for 35 years but I am not opposed to a quick substitute, especially after working 5 12 hour shifts in a row. I thought the dish tasted pretty good despite the lack of freshly made gravy.

I'm sure you are a fabulous cook and have no doubts that you can make great gravy. Just poking some fun at you. I've been making gravy and a lot of other dishes since a very early age. My mother worked similar hours to yours to provide for me and my sister thus cooking was a part of our lives. I've made gravy more times than I want to remember that turned out like cement mortar and or soup so canned gravy can sometimes be a blessing.
Happy cooking.....
My son is actually the chef in our house. Much like you he learned out of necessity. I will usually try a new dish and if we like it he will take it from there. I imagine he will improve on this recipe.