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Creamed Corn (Kentucky Kernels)


Well-known member
I learned to make this a long time ago, from my Grandmother. Eastern KY. If you know the area you probably have eaten this.

Corn Either canned, frozen, or fresh off the cob . Off the cob is how I learned, but its more work than it should be. If you do cut it off the cob, I squeeze the cob into the corn pan. They call it corn milk. It makes it GOOD! Canned corn I would use 2 cans.

1 Can Condensed Milk, or Whole milk
2 table spoons of bacon grease, butter, or both. I like both.
salt, pepper to taste.
Sugar, a few pinches. 2 teaspoons I would say.

I smash the corn up with a wooden spoon, to milk it if Im using canned corn. It just makes it better in my book. Add bacon grease, butter, corn , and milk into a #11 or #12 skillet.
Heat over Medium heat til boiling and foaming up, stirring to keep from burning. Once boiling, lower heat, cook until semi thick, it will thicken more as it cools. You can try it and add what you think it needs....sugar, salt, ect.

I learned this recipe from Imogene and my Mother. They both showed me the ropes, lol....I lived in KY for 4 years. I have a pinto bean and corn bread recipe too! If you make this corn, youll love it if you like creamed corn.