Identifying This Old Beauty (probably 1860's)


New member
Hi Everyone,

Anyone has any idea who could have produced this one?

I inherited this one from my grandma (was stored in a cupboard on the attic) and I'm planning to restore it.

Haven't had much experience with cast-iron this old, so any advice is welcome here as well.
My first idea would be to give it a proper Lye bath, but if you have better suggestions, I'm all ears...

Hope someone will recognise the logo at the bottom, so I can learn more about it's history!

Many thanks,
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Doesn't look to be in any real need of restoration. As to identification, if it was of US origin, there might be a chance someone in a US-based group might be familiar with the marking, but even then chances would be slim. It's interesting in that there appears to be a marking at 12 o'clock on the bottom that's been obscured.
Wow! Now there is something Ive never seen before! Storing it would be akward, but besides that I want one, lol.
Thanks guys!! Very much appreciated!

I'll try to dive into the John Law clue. Hopefully there's some more info around... Geographically this could fit the picture, as my great grandfather has UK roots.

@SeanD: I was also intrigued by the obscured markings at 12 o'clock, and was hoping that cleaning it would help to reveal them, but judging by your reply, maybe that's wishful thinking? Or are there any tricks I could try to make them readable again?
I've seen that diamond L identified as John Law from Glasgow scotland.
I think I saw the details in the facebook group (the iron works! collectors of early iron!'

Again, a big thanks to you, D_Madden!!!
This clue is priceless and seems to be absolutely right. :-)

Found this very old catalogue and the logo's are definitely a match...

Pretty awesome to find the origin of this pot after soooo many years. :D
Hi I have a pot very similar to yours. It is marked Cannon Deepfields No 8 10 pints. It came from England. I tried to upload pictures, but wasn`t able to. Probably because of the size of the pic. Any help uploading them would be apprecuiated. thanks. BTW the handle is shaped into a hexagon. Ken Wilson
the easiest thing I've found is to post the pictures to one of the free picture sharing internet sites (I use imgur) then you can post links to the pictures here or links to 'albums' or groups of photos all together.