Interesting Piece

I recently acquired #7 Slant Logo and notice that its trademark circle and cross is the same size as the later EPU style, is this common for the #7's? I have a number 5 and 8 and the logo is quite a bit larger than this. It seems a little odd as it definitely has what I consider the early handle for this type. I noticed there seems to be 3 different types of handles for the slant Erie style. The handle like this one, this same handle with the size number on top, then the tear drop type typically seen on the larger sizes 9,10,11 etc. and the EPU type.
Unfortunately this one is quite pitted on the bottom.
Enjoy the pictures.
Hmmm... I've always considered, speaking in general terms, that the slant and large block logos were usually of the same diameter on pieces of the same type and size, with the exception of those occasional oddball slant examples or pieces where the logos were shrunk to fit, like on lids.

To me, the handle on this particular pan looks like the pattern was a modified 6th series Erie.
The size of trademarks varied widely on some pans with some larger pans having smaller TMs than some smaller pans did. The large block TM was even smaller than the Small TM (on the No.0 skillet). Within a number of similar pans, say a no.5 slant/Erie, there can be numerous variations in handles, TMs, etc. Not too much was matching and uniform with the details on Griswold pans until the small TM c.1940 came along. Even then the handles changed three times. It all makes collecting Griswold a lot of fun and interest.