I.D./age help please

I have a couple similar to this I bought hoping for a block or arc Wagner under the crud. Both ended up being somebody's copies or very good recasts, the gatemarks being very thin and just inside the heat ring in multiple spots. I think your guess on the dating is good. It might be an unmarked brand name maker like Wagner, but there are some casting issues in the closeups I would think they wouldn't have let pass. The inside looks smooth, but is there any evidence of machine polishing?
Doug - I checked at lunchtime, and the inside is very smooth, but no evidence of swirls or machining. What does that tell you? Would the machine marks be indicative of a larger maker like Wagner?
That would be my thought, that if there were machine marks, it would indicate an actual manufacturer. As opposed to a good copier.
I compared the casting / cooking surface with this pan with a similar era Oneta #7. Quality of casting is close, and finish on the cooking surface is about the same: very smooth, no machine marks. Also compared with a Wagner / National #9: the casting on the Wagner is nicer, but inside finish is the same: smooth, with no machine marks visible. Guess I'll never know for sure who made it, but it's a lovely pan nonetheless.