Griswold number 8 self basting lid

Theresa Cary

New member
I got this griswold self basting number 8 lid at an auction and I am trying to determine the time frame in which it was made. I just can't seem to find much on lids. TIA!
Probably late 1920s to early 1930s, by which time Griswold offered the "Clean Easy" feature on DO lids, which was an enamel coating on the underside. What does the top look like?
Ah, a skillet cover, not a DO. Same general dating would appear to apply. At some point, these would have two patent dates inscribed, and later in the 1930s, the raised wording on the top would be done away with..
Ah, a skillet cover, not a DO. Same general dating would appear to apply. At some point, these would have two patent dates inscribed, and later in the 1930s, the raised wording on the top would be done away with..
Thank you. I did see several pictures with the second dating on it, but could hardly find one the same as mine. We bought it at an auction for $215 with a couple of other CI pans.
I have a few 3 notch lodges, along with some wagner's and a couple that I was told are BSRs.