Griswold Griddle 746X with "ERIE" ghost


As we begin our approach to the establishment, the sky darkened along with the wind howling insanely loud. We knew at that moment, something wasn't right, that there might be ghosts. Okay a little dramatic.

Picked up this Griswold long griddle yesterday. It's a 746X, not sure what the "X" represents. Also there's a "ERIE" ghost floating about.

I like the dramatics!

Nice looking piece. I don't own a long griddle, but you are making me think I should correct that this weekend :)
Normally, it would only represent a pattern letter, although it would take a very popular piece for them to have made, ostensibly, up to 25 working patterns (A thru X and one with no letter) for it. This pattern number saw several design revisions, including the Erie diamond logo, the "ERIE", and both the slant and LBL TMs, plus variations in the reinforcement ribs.
For some pieces the X may mean a revision or modification of the pattern. For many pieces there does not seem to be any order to the patterns letters. For skillets more often than not the letters started at no letter or an A or early in the alphabet but not always for different skillet versions/handles/TMs, etc. I've kept track of skillet pattern letters for many years and probably have most but not all of them. A number of letters were usual skipped it seems- I, O, Q, U but sometimes the I was used on some series.