Seasoning question


On one of my BBQ forums, I mentioned that I was using duck fat to season my pans with. A self proclaimed "collector and expert" called me out suggesting that it would go rancid and be toxic if cooked with. NEVER use animal fats for seasoning. I said nonsense. Lard was used for seasoning when lard was all they had and no one died. I also suggested that he might be leaving too much oil on his pans if he has any concerns about rancid.

What are the opinions here? Am I the one that's wrong?
If you are baking and polymerizing the duck fat to a dry, non-sticky state, it should be no different than any other cooking fat/oil. I doubt you are just wiping duck fat on the pan and then putting it away in a cabinet. Having said that, I don't see any reason to go out of my way to use duck fat as opposed to other readily-available choices, unless that's all you have.
I agree with Dougs post 100%.

Keeping in mind when seasoning with any grease, oils, animal fats, less is better and also you need to fully season so it will be as Doug stated "non-sticky state". Once it is polymerized your duck or any animal fats will not go rancid. So yes if you do not get to the "non-sticky state", very possible to get rancid.

Heck I have been known to season a skillet of mine with all natural bacon grease, yup animal fat a time or two. No rancid pans here.
What I started, I was using grapeseed oil, however, I've switched to Crisco shortening (I microwave it to a liquid just before I apply it).
At the time the pans I was using were modern pans with a rough finish. I'm sure my seasoning skills weren't the best. Sometimes food would stick and sometimes it wouldn't. I had the best luck using the duck fat spray after each cleaning. My pans were suddenly getting better.

All I know is I was told quite sternly that I was risking my health by using any animal/protein fat on my pans.
"My pans were suddenly getting better." That goes to show you that seasoning is made over time with use, not just cleaning and as they say seasoned even with 4 coats. I force that temp control and enough oil/grease goes a long way in non stick. To hot is just that, to hot.

I like to cook some natural bacon and season my favorite skillet with it a few times then use another oil to Finnish, yup animal/protein fat.
