Need help identifying date of cast iron


New member
Hi guys,

Great forum, I ve been checking some amazing items people have come across and I am happy to have found this page.

The other day I was gutting a century old home and came across this cast iron in the wall. The only thing I can read from the engraving is J.H Bodine and CO with the number 7 in the middle.

I did some research and the 7 indicates the size but I cant find any information on Bodine or from what year this was made? I saw a couple of other types but some had wooden handles, I could not find an image of the one I have.

Do people collect cast irons? Could this one be rare?

Below are some pictures thank you for your help in advance.


Back off a little. We can't tell what you have there. Anvil? Boat anchor? Printing press? #10 Griswold??

Photos really need to be viewable without scrolling around. Smaller images or use of the Image
My apologies for the photos, for some reason they forum blew them up. They were smaller when I posted them but now they are fixed. Hope you guys can take a minute and let me know what you think?

Although not cookware, some people collect sad irons as they are called. Most are used as door stops and there may be one used as a bacon press. Rare? Unlikely.

A quick Google of J H Bodine and Co brought this up on page 1:

New Gazetter & Business Directory of Livingston, NY, 1868

BODINE, J. H. & Co., manuf. of the celebrated Bodine’s Jouval Turbine Water wheel, sand (typo - meant sad) irons, &c.
