Canton Texas flea market


I went to the Canton, TX flea market yesterday. First time in about 20 years. It is about 55 miles ESE of Dallas and covers about 400 acres. It might be the largest in Texas, I don't know.

Of course I was looking for CI and very few vendors had any, and with one exception, they were very high on their prices. One guy had about 20 pieces that he has cleaned just well enough that you could could make an intelligent decision about their condition. His prices were pretty much the same as eBay including shipping. The next guy had over 200 pieces including some unusual, hard to find items. The first 8 photos are of his booth. His prices are incredibly high, multiples of eBay. Found lots of good stuff, none of which I was willing to pay his prices for. The last three pictures are from a third vendor. He had a couple of rare Wagner lids some of you may be interested in. His prices are on the high end of reasonable. A few days ago there was a thread about an oval roaster lid but I don't remember if the OP was looking for a lid or had one. I have no financial interest in this but if any of you are interested in one of those lids PM me and I'll send you his contact info.

Over all it was interesting but had I know about their pricing I wouldn't have driven 300 miles from home to see it. If you are looking for a particular rare piece and willing to pay the high prices, you have a fair chance of finding it there. If you decide to go, enter at the West Gate and take the first street to the right (also take LOTS of money).

Happy hunting

Just a thought: Of all the things we've collected over the years, enjoyed, and thought might be more valuable later on, the CI is apparently what has most value. The prices I see these days on eBay, and sometimes quoted in this forum, are frankly shocking. I just wish my late mom were still here--hey Mom, guess what the old junk is worth now! (Bitter, I know.)
Had a similar experience at a show in Liberty NC. The big vendor had the audacity to be selling a cracked iron mountain #14 at $150 which he claimed would "make a great user". I was so angered about it that I would have refused to purchase anything from him even if something had been reasonably priced.

Yesterday I went to two cities in two states and stopped at 8 or more shops. The one place that actually had a quantity of iron was asking $650 firm for a #14 LBL with heat ring. Even the guy at the fair "only" wanted $350 for one. I told the shop keeper he wasn't selling iron, he was just displaying it.

Very frustrating.
Jack I had hoped that you found some great deals and were going to post them. I is kinda disappointing because canton isn't to far from me and I've been wanting to make that tip as well. I hadn't been there in 20+ years myself.

Things I've noticed going to shows and such over the years. it seems to be three kinds of sellers. 1) the guy that enjoys what he's doing and talking to people that prices their stuff to move, sell, and updates their inventory. 2) the one that just wants to show off what he has that's priced 4 times over market price and prays for one fool and his money to pay his table space. And the third one that prices a bit above average trying to get full market, but willing to make a deal at the end of the day or weekend. They don't want to hall it home.