Turks head I.D.

It's not Lodge or BSR. The blobs between the cups imply an open frame pan likely served as the basis for the pattern, and had the openings filled in. It doesn't appear bottom gated, so whoever made it had the ability to do more complex side gating. No markings at all, and the likelihood of finding one with an original package is slim.
I figured it was a copy. Just wondered by who?
Never even thought about the spaces having been filled. I originally thought it was from rust. After looking at some other internet pics there the same. It really is amazing how much old cat iron has spread across the country.
Looking online again I found a Wagner ware 1328 that looks like it but no handles. Things about units like this make me wonder if foundries would experiment and just sell off unwanted designs instead of repeating them. Sell them and see if they go anywhere. Make a tweak in yhe design kinda thing.