Is my charger working properly?

Jimmy N

New member
I recently purchased a Die Hard manual charger for my e-tank. I noticed that when I fire it up, it runs for about 30 seconds, then shuts off. Roughly a minute later, it turns back on, runs for 30 seconds, and shuts off, and so on. It is not an automatic/manual charger, straight manual. Is this normal operating procedure, or do I have a faulty charger? Or is something else askew? Thanks in advance for replies and help!
I would check for a short circut in your load. What is happening is the excessive load causes the charger to put out all it's capable of. This is sensed (felt) by the charger and the over current circuit shuts it off as a means of self protection. Than when the charger cools down. it turns on trying again. Could also be caused by too small a charger but I'd bet you have a shorting problem in your tank. David
I had two pieces of steel, one on each end. I disconnected on and away she went. No more cycling, holding at 8 amps. I guess two pieces was too much draw. Thanks for the reply David!