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Buttermilk biscuits


Looks like this section could use a little action, so I'll share a recent find...don't remember where I saw it. 1/2 to 3/4in thick dough raised in oven to almost 2in. high biscuits. The secret seems to be to refrigerate the dough over night!

I made my own self-rising: flour: 2 c. flour, 1 tea. salt, 3 tea baking soda.

Buttermilk biscuits (half recipe)
2 c. Self-rising flour
1 tbs. Sugar
1/3 c. Leaf lard
1 c. Buttermilk.

-Mix self-rising flour and sugar
-Cut-in lard to fine crumb
-Add/mix buttermilk a little at a time w/fork until soft dough
-Knead on floured surface 15-20 times--until smooth
-Refrig. dough in sealed container (or plastic wrap) over night (8 hrs. worked also)
-Roll out dough to 3/4in on flour surface
-Cut 21/2 dia.
-Place on cookie sheet, let warm at room temp for 10-15 minutes
-Bake 425, 13-15 minutes. My oven is special, I had to leave them for another 5 minutes.
I lived in KY for a few years, and had some amazing biscuits. Home made from scratch. I'm going to try your recipe, as I have tried a few with no luck.
I lived in KY for a few years, and had some amazing biscuits. Home made from scratch. I'm going to try your recipe, as I have tried a few with no luck.
I've lived in Kentucky all my life and I bet I could load a semi with all the biscuits I've eaten. Cornbread too!😂😂