Am I getting in a hurry?


I'm just wondering if after seasoning a pan in the oven, as it cools, can I apply a second seasoning layer before it completely cools?

On a couple of pans, I did this when the pan cooled to the 250 range and it seemed to be OK. I'm just worried that I'm jumping the gun and completely cooling is an important part of the process.

What say the experts?
Hard to be certain the previous coat has been baked completely dry when it's still 250°.
And that's why I asked.

Working on a Griswold #8 LBL EPU pan that's pristine and I don't wanna screw it up.
I let my pans cool down, even waiting til the next day to season again sometimes. A little warmer than room temp should be ok I would say.
I would tend to agree with Doug D.'s reply.

So my question is what is the need for you to allow the piece to cool down before applying another coat?

Live on the edge and apply one coat and cook for 1 hour, then repeat until you have the amount of coats you want. I have not burnt my fingers yet, and I am well above 250 deg.

For myself I like to fill the oven and complete the full seasoning in one day, let it sit over night and empty in the morning.