A question of ethics


New member
Hi I'm new here (will post to that in a few). I'm wondering what you think of this scenario:
I've been following this Estate sale online for the past couple weeks. I got there 45 mins. early and waited to get a number and get in. I made a bee-line straight for the kitchen to snag the CI pans, went to the saleslady and put them on the hold table so I could look around.
I got back there and only 1 out of 4 pans was on the table to which I start to freak out so I asked her where they were and some guy had taken them off the hold table and told her to hold them for him. Fortunately she had them with her and she remembered me.
I would never consider doing this to someone, I think it was really low of him.

BTW 2 were large logo Griswold's (an 8 with a heat ring and a 5 flat bottom).
I am rarely surprised any more by what some people do. I wonder, though, why the hold table wasn't more closely monitored or secured by the sale operators.
Never ever set it down, even on a hold table, until you are pulling out your wallet, it always amazes me that people are so greedy that they will revert to underhanded means to score a deal. No honor or respect.