Identify please?

The p/n corresponds to a Good Health #9 skillet. The handle design is consistent with GH as well. Maybe more markings will show up after cleaning. Re: the raised number: maybe someone used a GH #9 skillet as a pattern. Looks to be far better quality casting than most recasts, though.
I thought Good Health, but the p/n is in a different place than on the #9 I found on The Pan Handler site for sale. That wouldn't mean they didn't float them around during the production run though. It sure doesn't look like a recast to me either, and wouldn't those usually have a gate mark? Nothing like a good mystery, I'm excited to get it in the lye bath and see what i end up with.
The lye took off the crud, and there is nothing under it, only the 3 digit number. Do I have a possible unmarked Griswold?
Your skillet may have been made to sell through the same outlet(s) as the Good Health but, maybe, before someone came up with the Good Health name to put on the skillets. May have been some salesman's idea that more pans could be sold if they created good health.
That's what keeps the hobby interesting. You can look at tens of thousands of pans for years, decades even, and still come across a stumper. It's the same as a GH in all physical respects that I can see, with the exception of the number on top. On a regular GH #9, the 659 would normally be smaller and lower. How does the rest of it look, quality-wise, now that it's cleaned up?