Iron Mountain #8 dutch oven lid


Well-known member
This was more of my auction buys from last week. (I have a weakness for lids) I recognized it as iron mountain before bidding... and I got it for $13. Of course I don't have a #8 iron mountain dutch oven... but when I find one... I have a lid for it.

I noticed that the pan-handler site has one for sale for $150... I can't believe anyone ever buys anything there.
I'm a new collector, but I don't think your #8 lid is a BSR Red Mountain. Look in the data info on this site under "identifying no name iron." BSR Red Mountain lids have indented dimples in a random configuration. I saw a lid like yours on this site recently, but I'll have to look a little more to find it again. (Ack! As a new collector, I've gone out on a limb here!). :eek: