Waterman Skillets?

According to records stored here on this site, Nathaniel Waterman is credited with 6 patents involving cast iron, none of which were skillets.

Can you expand the scope of your question? Perhaps my answer to your question isn't heading the the direction you intended. Thanks.
Your answer's helpful, thank you.

Not completely certain if a patent is necessary to make your own skillet, so I *guess* it's possible that even without a patent for a skillet, you could produce them. Asking because they're one of the makers out there, but I've never ever seen a skillet by them. I've actually got the same question about Wood & Bishop, but with them I've seen gem pans and kettles, but no skillets.
A general web search for the exact phrase "Waterman skillet" turns up exactly nothing. While not absolutely conclusive, I also wouldn't hold my breath expecting to ever find out that such a skillet exists - which goes back to your original question.
I've actually got the same question about Wood & Bishop, but with them I've seen gem pans and kettles, but no skillets.

I have a Wood and Bishop #8 skillet to cook with on my Wood and Bishop wood fired cook stove. I know if at least 8 more. They are uncommon but out there.