Using a File


Do any of you use a file to remove casting slag from the handles. I have a lodge that wasn’t cleaned up right at the factory inside of the handle hole that’s really bugging me.... A little file work would do wanders on the appearance of the handle hole shape.... Or should I just let it be.
I have used a file on a couple of pieces. I'm not sure if it takes away from the value. My reason was that it would interfere with holding the handle. It was a Turk pan.

If it's just how it looks, I wouldn't do it to a valuable piece.

Be sure to season the area that you file. You don't want rust, lol.
I’ve used a file on a couple, I found that the small style needle files work well fowled with a little sandpaper dose a nice job. Go slow and don’t get in hurry. I do it after I strip pan before I season it. It all blends in and doesn't look look like it was touched, just go slow and careful.